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Wish List for Jubilee Women's Center
Below is a wish list of critical items needed by Jubilee Women's Center… read more
Survivors often flee abuse with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Traumatized and fearful, they turn to organizations like Jubilee Women's Center for refuge and to be provided everything they need to start over from bedding and towels to toothbrushes and shampoo. Below is a wish list of critical items needed by Jubilee Women's Center to continue helping domestic violence victims. Purchasing an item is a great way of knowing exactly how your contribution is being used, since any item you purchase will be automatically sent directly to Jubilee Women's Center. Shipping is free on any order exceeding $50, meaning your money goes even further! DomesticShelters.org greatly appreciates your willingness to help victims create a better future for themselves through Jubilee Women's Center. read less
Free shipping on wish list purchases over $50.
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