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Home / Underwrite an Article on

Underwrite an Article on

Support Journalism that Victims and Advocates Rely on in Critical Moments

Make a direct and meaningful impact by funding an article published on You can support the journalism and guidance that helps thousands of domestic violence survivors and the professionals who support them each year. 

It's a simple process:

  1. Reach out to us with your interest in underwriting an article.
  2. We'll work with you to determine the amount and duration of your underwriting.
  3. We'll produce the article and publish it.
  4. Your name or a name you choose will be displayed at the top of the article to honor your contribution and generosity. 

Your contribution will not only help support survivors and advocates, but help encourage others to make similar contributions and continue to support the work of

The following guidelines are used by to determine which books we will make available in our Recommended Books section. If you are an author and would like us to consider your book for our site, please review the guidelines carefully before submitting. To submit a book, email us at and include a PDF copy of the book.

  • Your book must be published by a traditional publisher, not self-published.
  • The book must be professionally written, researched, fact-checked, edited and copyedited.
  • The book must meet book publishing industry standards for formatting, structure and presentation.
  • The writing must exhibit expert understanding of domestic violence or related topics.
  • The author is ideally widely recognized for their expertise on the topic presented.
  • The book must have an ISBN 10.
  • The book must be available through
  • You must submit a PDF version of the book so that it can be easily reviewed.

While we receive many book submissions and reserve the right to determine which books will become available on, we’re nonetheless greatly appreciative of all the good work created by the many people working to help survivors and end domestic violence.