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Canadian Organizations Domestic Violence National/Global Resources
Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children
Resourceful Canadian group with an ambitious array of resources including studies on violence and the workplace, a website called Cut It Out for beauty and hair care professionals, training on topics such as safe schools, media literacy and much more.
Women's Shelters in Canada
Women's Shelters in Canada represents a strong, unified voice on the issue of violence against women across Canada. Through collaboration, knowledge exchange and adoption of innovative practices, they work to advance the co-ordination and implementation of high quality services for women and children accessing shelters.
WomenatthecentrE is a survivor centered and led non-profit organization working to eradicate all forms of gender-based violence globally. They are dedicated to ensuring the voices and expertise of survivors are central in the inception, development, and implementation of all programs and policies aimed at preventing and responding to gender based violence. Survivors are the true experts, and the organization channels their shared experiences to create a better world for everyone.