There are 17 organizations in Nevada that provide domestic violence services at some level.
A total of 15 organizations have provided complete information about their program to this site for a statewide completion rate of 88%. These programs can be found in 13 different cities.
Click on any of the 13 cities below to learn about the programs in these areas. You’ll also see information further below on categories of service offered in Nevada, and within each category you’ll find the individual services within that category.
The most common category of service in Nevada – based on the likelihood of each program to offer all the services within a category – is "emergency services", while the least common category of service is "community educational services".
The two most common individual services within any category of service in Nevada are "resources and referrals and domestic violence education" while the two least common services are "onsite schooling and art/music therapy".
Spanish is spoken at 80% of the organizations.
The third most common language after English and Spanish is Sign language at 13% of the organizations.
Demographically, the organizations are mostly like to be equipped to serve Women
Statistics on Domestic Violence Services in Nevada
Emergency Services
Domestic violence education
14 locations
Food and clothing
14 locations
Emergency shelter
14 locations
Crisis intervention services
14 locations
Safety planning
13 locations
Case management
13 locations
Confidential shelter location
13 locations
Danger/lethality assessment
12 locations
Emergency cell phones
11 locations
Emergency local transportation
11 locations
Safe home network
4 locations
Mobile advocacy
3 locations
Legal and Financial Services
Assistance with orders of protection
13 locations
Court accompaniment/advocacy
12 locations
Financial empowerment training
10 locations
In-shelter financial aid
8 locations
Court/legal lay assistance
8 locations
Immigration services
7 locations
Legal resource planning
7 locations
Attorney referral for family court
7 locations
Attorney referral for criminal cases
7 locations
Attorney referral for protection orders
7 locations
Legal clinics
6 locations
Legal representation
5 locations
Child custody services
5 locations
Court/legal assistance by attorney
5 locations
Expert testimony
4 locations
Counseling Services
Peer support groups
12 locations
Shelter resident counseling
11 locations
Non-resident counseling
10 locations
Counseling for friends and family
9 locations
Sexual violence support groups
7 locations
Ritual abuse counseling
6 locations
Incest counseling
6 locations
Substance abuse counseling
5 locations
Counseling for batterers
4 locations
Sex offender counseling
4 locations
Housing Services
10 locations
Transitional family housing
9 locations
Relocation services
8 locations
Transitional individual housing
8 locations
Alternative housing counseling
6 locations
Permanent family housing
4 locations
Permanent individual housing
4 locations
Support Services
Resources and referrals
14 locations
Goal planning assistance
13 locations
Parenting skills training
10 locations
Medical accompaniment
9 locations
Health and wellness programs
9 locations
Job search/placement
8 locations
Job skills training
8 locations
Onsite mental health services
6 locations
Spiritual services
6 locations
Onsite medical services
4 locations
Children's Services
Educational programs
8 locations
Child abuse services
8 locations
Child care during support groups
8 locations
School liaison
7 locations
Youth counseling
7 locations
Child development
6 locations
Teen activity program
6 locations
Safety planning for children
6 locations
Tutoring services
5 locations
Daycare facility
5 locations
Onsite pediatric forensic nurse exams
4 locations
Art/music therapy
3 locations
After school programs
3 locations
Onsite schooling
2 locations
Community Education Services
Domestic violence workshops
10 programs
Speaker's bureau
5 programs
Sign language
2 locations
Populations Served
Adult Male (victim of sexual assault)
2 locations
Adult Male (victim of domestic violence)
2 locations
Distinctive Populations
Prostituted persons
10 locations
Trafficked persons
10 locations
Trans women/men
8 locations
Developmentally disabled
5 locations