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Home / Resources / Books / Identifying and Escaping Abuse

Domestic Violence Books

Identifying and Escaping Abuse

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    This book presents stories of ten women as they fought the courts and their abusers to gain safety for themselves and their children. The author demonstrates how courts handle divorce, custody, visitation, support, child abuse, marital property, orders of protection and crimes when domestic violence erupts, and discusses the tactics abusers use to maintain control over their partners.

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    Too many women find themselves in abusive relationships and don't know what to do, or even what's wrong. She may feel anxious, inadequate, intimidated and on eggshells, and find herself trying harder without success. The authors bring their experience with survivors to offer an eyeopening analysis of controlling partners and empowering information for women seeking change.

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    Learn why verbal abuse is more widespread than ever, how to recognize and deal with it safely, and most important, how to lead a happier, healthier life. Also, outside stresses driving the rise in verbal abuse, mitigate the effects on relationships, levels of abuse (insidious put-downs, tantrums of name-calling, screaming, and threats that can escalate into physical abuse).

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    Why does a highly-educated woman with a career and resources stay in an abusive marriage? How can a man considered a pillar of his community and regularly give his wife a black eye? Why are we convinced domestic violence is restricted to the lower classes, when its not? The author explores the overlooked population of upscale wives, who rarely report abuse and remain trapped by their own silence.

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    If you're a Latina involved in an abusive relationship, this book is for you. "Mejor Sola Que Mal Acompanada" offers support and practical information on many topics like:  what abuse is; family/cultural expectations; getting police, medical and legal help; where you can go if you leave your home; what the church may say; protecting your children; and dealing with discrimination.

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    Growing Free: A Manual For Survivors of Domestic Violence

    by Wendy Susan Deaton & Michael Hertica

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    Battered women often don't recognize they are being victimized, may minimize the abuse and may make excuses for the abuser. The checklists, questionnaires, and personal stories in this book can provide the recognition needed to say, “This is wrong. It has to end.” Plus lists of abusive behaviors, protection orders and other legal matters, safety planning and safe relationships in the future.

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    From the perspective of the director of the first U.S. program for abusive men, the author offers early warning signs, ten abusive personality types, and the abusive mentality, and dispels 17 myths about abusive personalities, sheds light on the origin of the abuser's values and beliefs, which he believes is a better explanation of abusive behavior than reference to psychological problems.

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    Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    by Lundy Bancroft & JAC Patrissi

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    Women involved in frustrating relationships will learn to tell the difference between a healthy-yet-difficult relationship and one that is really not working, recognize the signs that their partner has a serious problem, stop waiting to see what happens and make their own growth the top priority, and prepare for life without their partner even as they keep trying to make the relationship work.

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    Empowers you to find help and take back your life. Everything you need to know to get out of danger: making a protective order work; calling the police; finding safe shelter; seeking medical attention; getting financial assistance, to details on how to stay safe and regain control over your life: preparing for safety at home and at work; protecting your children; rebuilding your life.

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    Does your partner become jealous, prevent you from seeing friends, deny you access to bank accounts, credit cards, or the car, call you derogatory names, humiliate you in front of the kids or turn minor incidents into major arguments? If you answer "yes" to the questions, chances are you are suffering from nonphysical battering, controlling, tyrannical behavior that is domestic violence.

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    Familiarizes readers with intimate partner violence and explains how to develop self-esteem, preparation and assertive awareness that can protect you from involvement with abusive individuals; explores the minds of abusers, explains visible signs of danger in their attitudes and actions; and provides effective strategies for safe extraction when involved with an abuser.

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    This book was written as a lifeline for women who are involved with men who lie, cheat, and mistreat their wives or girlfriends. Readers join a support group of four smart, educated women with careers and families who were lied to and devastated by the people who promised to love, honor, and protect them--their husbands. This book is the next best thing to attending a support group.

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    This book is written to help you protect yourself from cyberabuse and stalking and to empower you to fight back. It is vital to regaining control over your life in case you and a cyberpredator or stalker ever cross paths. Alexis Moore is the foremost cyberstalking authority in the world. In this book she shares her creative tactics overcoming cyberstalking.

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    Whether you suspect you are being emotionally abused, fear that you might be emotionally abusing your partner, or think that both you and your partner are emotionally abusing each other, this book is for you. In this breakthrough book, Beverly Engel, one of the world's leading experts on the subject, shows us what it is and what to do about it.

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    Crazy Love

    by Leslie Morgan Steiner

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    At 22, Leslie Morgan Steiner seemed to have it all: good looks, a Harvard diploma, a glamorous job in New York City. Plus a handsome, funny boyfriend who adored her. But behind her facade of success, this golden girl hid a dark secret. She'd made a mistake shared by millions: she fell in love with the wrong person.At first, Leslie and Conor seemed perfect together. Then came the fights she trie...

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    Gaslighting is an insidious form of emotional abuse and manipulation that is hard to recognize and break free from. The book tells you how to detect gaslighting, recognize the stages and how to escape it in your relationships.

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    Written by a financial advisor who also was abused, Breaking Bonds is a survival handbook that gives you the knowledge and tools you need to stand up to threats and intimidation, reduce your stress, and make better strategic decisions during your divorce. This comprehensive guide offers essential information you need to protect your family and your assets, obtain a successful outcome in your di...

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    Do you feel like you are talking and talking and your partner is never listening? Do you feel like you keep saying the same thing over and over again? Does your partner make promises, only to break or betray your trust repeatedly? Is your partner controlling or just plain mean?

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    Showered with attention? It can feel incredibly romantic and can blind you to hints of problems ahead. What happens when attentiveness becomes domination? The desire to control can lead to jealousy, threats, micromanaging, even physical violence. If you are trapped in a web of coercive control, this book provides answers, hope, and a way out.

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    Getting Free has changed the lives of tens of thousands of women. Written in an accessible style, packed with practical information and answers, special exercises designed to help a woman recognize abuse, and several success stories.

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    Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers is a ground-breaking comprehensive handbook that contains everything a woman needs to know about how to recognize abuse, break free, and thrive. This landmark definitive guide details the entire process of identifying abuse and abusers' tactics, describing the practical steps a victim must take to leave safely, and gui...

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    Shows that most abused women seek help because their rights and liberties have been jeopardized, not because they have been injured. The coercive control model resolves three perplexing challenges posed by abuse: why these relationships endure, why abused women develop a profile of problems seen among no other group of assault victims, and why the legal system has failed to win them justice...

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