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With the extreme stresses of COVID-19 and social distancing, it is easy to crave a relationship that will make all the pain go away. Some survivors of domestic violence want another chance at love. Some feel lost when they separate from the partner who abused them, missing the companionship that even a controlling relationship provided. They may long deeply for the promise of love and protection that the abuser failed to provide.
At the same time, survivors of domestic violence may hesitate to trust new potential partners—concerned that they will again be at risk.
Just being in a relationship may remind the survivor of the abuse. Healthy relationships can make a person feel loved; abusive relationships typically also make a person feel loved at times. Healthy relationships can have exciting sex; abusive relationships can also have exciting sex. Both healthy and abusive relationships can feel romantic. And so on.
Survivors of domestic violence usually have post-traumatic symptoms. They may feel “triggered” when in a new relationship—whether it is by touch, a raised voice, a sexual act, making a mistake, or something as seemingly small as a smell or a song on the radio. The triggers can cause panic, crying, fear, anxiety, nausea, and other painful responses.
When a person who has been in a controlling relationship meets a possible new partner, it is important to figure out if this new partner is showing signs of being abusive, too. Below are some issues to consider.
Your new partner should accept that you may need more time and space alone than they might wish. It does not matter whether this is because of your past experience or just a preference. If the new relationship is going to succeed, your new partner must learn to respect your boundaries. Additionally, the pandemic requires us all to set firmer boundaries around intimacy than we might in normal times: Our survival and the survival of our loved ones depend on it.
Your support gives hope and help to victims of domestic violence every day.
Healthy partners help you feel good about yourself. They reflect your strengths back to you and you bring out the best in each other. You should not feel that you are failing to measure up.
As abusers take over their partners' lives, they shape them into accepting more and more oppressive conditions.
Your partner should be gentle, kind, and courteous with you, even when you are having a conflict. A person who is mean, violent, or unkind, even if drunk or on drugs, is signaling trouble ahead.
While it is true that none of us is perfect, it is also true that people are as they are—not as we wish them to be. All too often, abusers are able to entice their partners into trying to rescue them—acting as if there is a “good person” hidden inside the “bad person” exterior, and only their partner can help them overcome their problems. This is a recipe for trouble.
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, your new relationship might be headed for trouble. Maybe this is because your new partner is overly controlling. Or maybe you have not expressed what you want clearly. Try to let your new partner know what you need and want. How they respond will help you decide whether this person is right for you.
One hallmark of a controlling relationship is isolation. Unfortunately, pandemics also make us isolate ourselves, for physical safety. Be sure to stay in touch with family and friends, and reach out to a domestic violence advocate if your new relationship seems questionable. Stay safe in every way you can.
Not sure if now is the time to start looking for love? Read Starting a New Relationship After Abuse to learn what to consider before dating again.
Editor's Note: Lisa Aronson Fontes, PhD, is a senior lecturer at the University of Massachusetts and author of Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate Relationship.
Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash
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