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Home / Articles / Lists / Signs of PTSD

Signs of PTSD

  • By
  • Mar 12, 2016
Signs of PTSD
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed.
  • Feelings of intense distress when reminded of the trauma.
  • An inability to imagine a positive future.
  • Physical pain that migrates throughout the body.
  • Not seeking help to avoid discussing or thinking about the abuse.
  • Overwhelming feelings of sadness, fear, despair, guilt or self-hatred.
  • Any signs of depression.
  • Trouble concentrating.
  • Thinking the world is more dangerous than it is.
  • Avoiding places or situations that serve as reminders.
  • Intense physical reactions to reminders (e.g. pounding heart, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating).
  • Flashbacks or nightmares of the abuse.
  • Outbursts of anger.
  • Being startled by loud noises or surprises.
  • See, hear or smell something that triggers memory.
  • Emotional numbness.
  • Agitation or irritability.
  • Jittery or always on alert for danger.
  • Not being able to trust others.
  • Forgetting parts of traumatic events.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Loss of interest in other people and the outside world.