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Home / Articles / Lists / Barriers to Leaving

Barriers to Leaving

  • By
  • May 15, 2016
Barriers to Leaving
  • Undocumented, fear of deportation
  • No knowledge of options
  • No place to go
  • Guilt
  • Protecting abuser's military career
  • Feeling it is safer to stay
  • Promises of change
  • Lack of transportation
  • Denial
  • No job skills
  • Mentally disabled
  • Hope that the violence will end
  • Fear of losing child custody
  • Rural settings, resulting isolation and lack of services
  • Love
  • Feeling abuse is deserved
  • Negative experiences with the court system
  • Children’s best interest
  • Lack of an advocate
  • Health issues
  • Pressure from family members
  • Unaware that abuse is a criminal offense
  • Being a teen, not understanding safe relationships
  • Substance or alcohol abuse
  • Past criminal record
  • Stockholm syndrome: sympathy for abuser
  • Shame and embarrassment
  • Being a student, fear of snitching and lack of support
  • Mediation imbalance of power
  • Mental issues
  • Religious beliefs and misguided teachings
  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear of revealing sexual orientation (LBGTQ)
  • Abuser’s excuses
  • Elderly, traditional beliefs, dependent on others
  • Wanting to keep the family together
  • Gratitude for past deeds
  • Disabilities
  • Cultural and racial defenses
  • Pressure from children
  • Abuser threats, fear for life
  • Abuser’s influence
  • Fear the abuser will retaliate
  • Financial abuse, no access to money
  • The abuser is in law enforcement
  • Incarcerated or newly released survivors
  • Illiteracy
  • Isolation
  • Homelessness
  • Financial despair