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Q: I’m struggling with what to do — my family still insists on inviting my ex to family get-togethers, especially around the holidays, and he’ll show up. They insist that because he’s my children’s father, he should be included, for their sake. They seemingly forget that he was verbally and sometimes physically abusive in our marriage, and the thought of having to continue to see him gives me anxiety attacks. My family says I need to just let it go, that it was in the past, but for obvious reasons I can’t. Help?
A: Ugh, don’t you just love it when family is so supportive? If only they’d be supportive of you and not your abusive ex, right?
It’s hard when people who are supposed to be your built-in support system fail to do just that by ignoring or denying abuse. Let’s first talk about the possible reasons your family is making this choice.
We could rationalize that it’s too hard for them to accept that you were abused so it’s easier [for them] if they pretended like it just didn’t happen, or that it’s “in the past,” as they tell you.
“Or, they might not care,” says Julie Owens, a long-time domestic violence advocate and educator, as well as a former expert witness in domestic violence court cases. That one’s a harder one to think about. And it’s not always that they don’t care about you, exactly. “To a great degree, a lot of people don’t identify domestic violence. They don’t understand it … they don’t understand coercive control, especially if there’s not physical abuse,” says Owens.
Coercive control is when an abuser strips away a survivor’s sense of self through a pattern of controlling behaviors, such as threats, humiliation, jealousy, financial control, sleep deprivation, isolation, guilt-tripping and gaslighting. Coercive control can also involve physical abuse.
Your family might not understand that domestic violence is something that increases in severity over time, explains Owens. They might think that, now that you’ve taken a break, the abuse has stopped. And maybe there’s even a chance of reconciliation (ack!).
“They might think they’re helping them get back together by putting them in the same room and not realizing how dangerous it can be—not just safety-wise but it’s psychologically damaging to the victim and the children.”
Your family might even believe that a “bad” father is better than no father at all.
The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) is important scientific research that especially applies to domestic violence and child abuse. One of the common mistakes people, including professionals, make without looking at ACE is to ask the victim to “let it go,” meaning the abuse, or to “just get over it” in order to repair the relationship between an abuser and their children. The ACE study showed that this cannot work because, while contact can be forced, there’s no way to remove the fear and stress abusers cause. This fear and stress will inevitably present in more harmful ways, like aggression, behavior problems, separation anxiety, and an increased risk for depression and other chronic health conditions as an adult. This is true for both the protective parent and the children.
There are only two sides support persons can take after abuse, points out Owen—the victim’s side or the abuser’s side. “There’s no neutral stance.”
“If they’ve been supporting him all along … and they’ve been protecting the abuser and then they realize maybe she hasn’t been lying and it’s worse than they thought, they’ll have to do a lot of introspection. They may not want to do that.”
Your support gives hope and help to victims of domestic violence every day.
So let’s talk about what you can do here.
If there is a joint custody agreement in place, you may still need to exchange children over the holidays, but there are ways to do that while retaining your safety. Read, “Ask Amanda: How Do I Co-Parent with an Abuser” for more on that topic.
Have a question for Ask Amanda? Message us on Facebook, Twitter or email AskAmanda@DomesticShelters.org.
Ask Amanda is meant to offer helpful resources and information about domestic violence. If in crisis, please reach out to your nearest domestic violence shelter for the guidance of a trained advocate.
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